Schätzle Family — Strong Characters for strong Products

In Schel­in­gen, in the heart of the Kaiser­stuhl, we, Thomas, Frie­de­ri­ke and Fran­zis­ka Schätz­le, lead the
fami­ly winery. The roots of our fami­ly of winegro­wers in the Kaiser­stuhl date back to the 17th century.

The Burgun­dy wines are our passi­on, the volca­nic rock the aroma and the uncom­pro­mi­sing,
natu­ral approach to the vines and grapes are the guaran­tor for charac­ter and enjoyment.

Take in this unique land­scape, the elegan­ce and comple­xi­ty of it
- whether on our premi­ses or at home in your glass!

Since­re­ly, Fran­zis­ka & Thomas Schätzle