Vineyards — roots in the volcan

We arn’t wine­mea­k­ers — we are natu­re assis­tents!

Our vines grow in a unique flora and fauna, in ferti­le loess soil and mine­ral volca­nic rock. The Kirch­berg in the villa­ge of Schel­in­gen is one of the viney­ards in Euro­pe with the highest quali­ty. This is the home of the Euro­pean bee-eaters, emer­ald lizards, orchi­ds and nati­ve wild bees . Our viney­ards are a para­di­se for wine connois­seurs and lovers of natu­re alike.
The unique land­scape is an incen­ti­ve for us to main­tain and to careful­ly look after and to reflect the charac­ter of the soil as well as the peop­le in our products.