listed us as a winery to visit in Baden

This year we have deci­ded to be adventurous.
2020 will be the begin­ning of a part­ner­ship with the project We are exci­ted to have been
desi­gna­ted to join a selec­ted group of wine­ries from all over the world in order to promo­te our enotou­rism and
intro­du­ce our products. More than a simp­le posting, we will have our proper artic­le in the famous Swedish wine
maga­zi­ne titled Baden – Vinre­gio­nen nära Svarts­ko­gen – Din insi­der guide till de bästa
ving­år­dar­na. This maga­zi­ne advi­ses its readers on their purcha­ses, visits and informs them about current
After the listing our winery, Wein­gut Gregor & Thomas Schätz­le, the compa­ny also crea­ted a page to introduce
what visi­tors can expe­ri­ence during the tour of our winery. You can find any infor­ma­ti­on you want about us on
this expe­ri­ence page.
Wine Tasting at Wein­gut Gregor & Thomas Schätzle
Moreo­ver, you can now book some acti­vi­ties in! Are you inte­res­ted in wine tasting? Or the
histo­ry of our regi­on and our land? Or even our wine­ma­king know-how?
So, come to visit our web portal and get to know us. You will love the way we work, and it will be a plea­su­re to
welco­me you to our beau­tiful place of produc­tion of our favo­ri­te drink, wine.
Take part in our adven­ture with us, we are waiting for you!

Wine Tasting at Wein­gut Gregor & Thomas Schätzle:
Baden – Vinre­gio­nen nära Svarts­ko­gen – Din insi­der guide till de bästa vingårdarna:­ar­dar­na/