Passion for the Terroir

We see oursel­ves as compa­n­ions of our wines: compa­n­ions with an idea, an objec­ti­ve,
a presen­ta­ti­on of style. Wine is a cultu­ral asset that with our help can reali­se
its full poten­ti­al. We obser­ve the indi­vi­du­al charac­ter of each plot, we let
each barrel deve­lop its pecu­lia­ri­ty — some­ti­mes with its rough edges.

We give room to the natu­ral proces­ses and the neces­sa­ry time. Only with pati­ence and a great deal
 of sensi­ti­vi­ty, our multi-face­ted burgun­dy with refi­ned elegan­ce and a powerful expres­si­on
can emer­ge as the imprint of the cultu­ral land­scape of the central Kaiserstuhl.


The Schätz­le-range is divi­ded into four cate­go­ries accor­ding to the prin­ci­ple appli­ed in the Burgun­dy regi­on. The indi­vi­du­al plots were speci­al­ly clas­si­fied and evalua­ted accor­ding to various quali­ty crite­ria. The most important factor is the basalt and volca­nic rock propor­ti­on in the soil. The higher this is (in the case of the reser­ve wines almost 100%), the more multi-laye­red and complex the wines are. In addi­ti­on, the angle of the sunlight and the local micro-clima­te are influen­cing the matu­ri­ty and varie­ty of flavors of the grapes.  Thus, our unique wines, spar­k­ling wines and distil­la­tes emer­ge,  charac­te­ri­sed by their origin.
Final­ly, with a lot of love they are hand-finis­hed by us.